Italdesign Whistleblower System

Adherence to laws, internal regulations and the Code of Conduct has top priority for Italdesign, who is constantly promoting a corporate culture based on integrity and respect for rules and ethical principles. Only if rules and laws are observed will we be able to protect our company, our employees and our business partners from damage. For this reason, misconduct has to be identified early on, and then dealt with and eliminated without delay.

Through the Whistleblowing system, anyone who is aware of a behavior within Italdesign that may constitute a violation of ethical principles or law, in particular violations of the Code of Conduct, will be able to report them, knowing that he/she will not be subject to any kind of discrimination or retaliation, but that in case of voluntary false accusations, he/she will be punishable by sanctions.

Investigations will be carried out neutrally and objectively in accordance with the presumption of innocence.


for the company, the whistleblower and the persons of interest


and sensitivity in handling reported hints


as the basis of our work

Do you have concrete evidence of a regulatory violation?

If so, you can contact the Whistleblower System via one of the following channels:

In person:

Audi Investigation Office
85045 Ingolstadt

Postal address:

Audi Investigation Office
85045 Ingolstadt

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can use the following channels for reporting purposes:

Information can continue to be reported to the Independent Body (Organismo di Vigilanza)

Organismo di Vigilanza

Via Achille Grandi, 25
10024 – Moncalieri (TO)

In order to ensure that the reports received by the competent bodies are properly managed and followed, they should be understandable and accurate.

Therefore, it is useful, by submitting a hint to consider to following facts:

  • Who? Who is involved? Who does the matter concern?
  • What? What happened? Description of events
  • When? When did the incident occur?
  • Why? Why could this happen?
  • Where? Where did the incident occur?